Pricing Plans

DIY Flexibility or Full-Service Enterprise

Select the DIY mode for autonomy or the Enterprise plan for a fully managed AI voice solution—effortless integration, endless possibilities.



per minute

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User-managed setup and integration.

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Access to standard voice bot features; customization available through user configuration.

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Access to community support forums and online documentation.

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Basic analytics and reporting dashboard.

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Support for multiple languages.

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Bring your own API keys (service costs with third-party providers are separate).


Custom Pricing

per minute

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Custom pricing based on requirements.

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API Keys: Included, with all service costs covered in the plan.

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Setup: Full setup, integration, and ongoing management by our team.

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Tailored voice bot features and deep customization to fit specific industry needs.

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Advanced analytics with detailed insights and custom reporting capabilities.

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Extensive multilingual support with advanced dialect recognition.

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Predictable pricing with volume discounts, designed for high-volume usage.


Get in touch

Drop us a message and step into the future where we handle the calls, so you can focus on what you do best.

Contact Us